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Aliens / Predator / Prometheus Universe #3: Aliens: The Female War by Steve Perry, Stephani Perry


Book Title: Aliens: The Female War
Book Series: Aliens / Predator / Prometheus Universe #3
Genre: Science Fiction
Author:  Steve Perry, Stephani Perry
Year Published: 1980
Condition: Good
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Spectra Books
Lieutenant Ellen Ripley awoke from her long journey in space with a hole in her memory and an overwhelming drive to survive. When she meets Wilks and Billie, two battered veterans in the war against the aliens, she realizes she’s found two comrades in arms – and she’s ready to take up the fight.

Only then does she discover the devastating secret that lurks behind her long sleep. When she, Wilks, and Billie prepare to meet the aliens head-on to turn a powerful alien queen against her spawn in a battle intended to save Earth, that secret becomes her greatest weapon – and her greatest liability. As the fate of Earth hangs in the balance, Ripley and Billie must come to terms with what it means to be alien… and what it means to be human.

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All books mailed in bubble pouch
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Weight .7 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 2 in


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